PROJECT TYPE : ERASMUS+ Key Action 2: Strategic Partnership Projects
PROJECT NUMBER: 2016-1-DE02-KA202-003464
PROJECT NAME: Youth Work Mobile 2.0 – Train (YOWOMO2.0-Train) – Education and training for youth work in the age of smartphones and social media
Youth Work Mobile 2.0 – Train (YOWOMO2.0-Train) is a European partnership developing education and training for youth work in the age of smartphones and social media.
The core idea of YOWOMO2.0-Train is to get youth work in shape for the 21st century. Main target group are both youth workers and youth work trainers and educators. Education and training for both will be developed to acquire competence and make use of up to date digital technology. This will enable professional youth work to become a player in the digitalisation of Europe increasing digital inclusion, community cohesion, digital citizenship, youth participation, while decreasing informational poverty among young people.
YOWOMO2.0-Train will develop and pilot three outputs:
- A course for youth work in the age of smartphones and social media. This course will enable youth work trainees and professionals to acquire the competences for youth work in the age of smartphones and social media. Due to the diversity of both youth work practice and youth work education and training across Europe the instructional design of this course will reflect the contexts of the participating partners. This will be achieved by developing adaptations for trainees and students (Higher Education, Vocational Education and Training), and professionals after entry into working life (Continuing Vocational Education and Training) as in-house training and external course.
- A preparatory course for trainers, educators, and lecturers to hold the courses for youth work in the age of smartphones and social media.
- An online learning platform and repository. The YOWOMO2.0-Train online platform will offer these courses in form of MOOCs and will serve as a repository of open educational resources for education and training.
More information is available on